Categorised by "human-rights"
In 'Voices'
Countries Set to Prioritise Well-Being over GDP to Abate Climate Change, but Intersectional Well-Being Is Missing in Climate Spaces
What would developing a truly intersectional, equity-based lens in climate solutions look like?Read More
A statement by Mariwala Health Initiative
The loss of thousands of lives, including children, in Gaza is a collective failure of humanity.Read More
The Intersection of Climate Justice and Mental Health for Queer-Trans Persons
Climate change presents one of the greatest challenges of our time. It directly and indirectly af...Read More
सामूहिक आघात से साझे संघर्ष तक पश्चिमी हिमालय में स्थित हिमाचल के किन्नौर ज़िले में युवाओं का अस्तित्व के लिए संघर्ष
हिमाचल के उच्च हिमालयी क्षेत्र में स्थित किन्नौर जन जातीय ज़िला पिछले कुछ वर्षों में आपदाओं का घर बन गया...Read More
Demystifying Suicide Prevention
A special series in association with Sanity by Tanmoy dedicated to suicide prevention, which will...Read More
Making the invisible visible
The disabled constitute the largest minority in the world. Given the stigma surrounding disabilit...Read More
Addressing Inequalities: Structural Competency and Collective Action in Mental Health
Dismantling systems of powerRead More
We're a grant-making and advocacy agency for innovative mental health initiatives, with a particu...Read More
Changing conversations on mental health
While COVID-19 is considered to be a humanitarian crisis and multiplied the number of conversatio...Read More
Exercising accountability as a funder
As a funding agency, MHI had to respond urgently and with responsibility to the unprecedented COV...Read More
Creating innovative programs to strengthen the MH ecosystem
Through the year, we launched initiatives targeting specific groups such as youth, entrepreneurs,...Read More
Clinical Legacies and Counter-Narratives
The fields of knowledge associated with mental health have come under scrutiny for human rights ...Read More
The Neoliberal Project: Mental Health & Marginality in India
Neoliberalism has aided in the dubious re-organization of the subjective, psychological selfRead More
We're a funding agency for innovative mental health initiatives, with a particular focus on makin...Read More
Responding to COVID as a Mental Health Funding Organization
Coronavirus is not just a public health issue but also an issue of livelihoods, food, security, ...Read More
We fund initiatives that are user-centered, and employ a human rights-based approach
At the onset we knew that MHI would employ an intersectional and intersectoral approach to funding.Read More
How our approach has shaped the initiatives that we’ve invested in this year (2019-2020)
At MHI we believe in a psychosocial approach to mental health – that there are critical social de...Read More
Challenging existing pathological representations of LGBTQIA+ lives & countering historical violence & discrimination, in mental health practice
The edifice of mental health and psychiatry in India has been responsible for pathologizing non-n...Read More
Collaborating with others to bridge the mental health care gap
If we want to influence social change, we must work in tandem with others. At MHI, we support and...Read More
We're a funding agency for innovative mental health initiatives, with a particular focus on makin...Read More
Mental Health & Criminal Law
A critique of the excessively narrow approach of the law that takes into account only those menta...Read More
ReFrame: Editor's Note
An Editor's Note on ReFrame, a journal by the Mariwala Health Initiative that challenges existing...Read More
Pathways to Mental Health
Challenging the existing discourse around the ‘treatment gap’ that invisibilises the psycho-socia...Read More
Does every Citizen have the Right to Vote?
On voting as an issue of development, social justice, and human rights—an instrument by which we ...Read More
MHI's Quarterly Newsletter
Read about our latest partners, innovative projects we've been funding and upcoming events throug...Read More
Professional Solidarity : What Queer Affirmative Counselling Practice Means To Me As A Mental Health Practitioner
I’m a 25-year-old therapist with a background in Clinical Psychology. I have had roughly about 3 ...Read More
Bridge the Care Gap Campaign
Despite the high incidence of mental health problems, the focus of the State has been centered on...Read More
In 'Insights'
ReFrame V: Mental Health and Climate Justice
A focus on how climate change impacts mental health for marginalised communities
ReFrame VI: Global Mental Health From The Margins
With this issue of ReFrame, we bring forward narratives, communities, and knowledge excluded from the Global Mental Health agenda, featuring schola...
Reframe VI: Call for Articles
Call for articles for the sixth edition of ReFrame in 2023. The theme is 'Global Mental Health from the Margins.'
Reframe 5: Sneak Peek
A sneak peek into MHI's 5th Edition of ReFrame: 'Mental Health and Climate Justice'
DIYouth Advocacy : A complete guide to mental health advocacy for young people
DIYouth Advocacy is a free resource to empower young people to advocate for your mental health rights. It has been created by a group of young peop...
Reframe V: Call for Articles
Call for articles for the fifth edition of ReFrame in 2022. The theme is 'Mental Health and Climate Justice.'
Reframe IV: Unpacking Structural Determinants
MHI's 4th Edition of ReFrame: 'Unpacking Structural Determinants'
Building Allyship: The Mental Health Community and LGBTQI+ Rights
This is a report that showcases the queer affirmative mental health work undertaken during a High Court Judgment. The report is a guiding tool for ...
Reframe II: Bridging the Care Gap
MHI's second edition of Reframe: Bridging the Care Gap
ReFrame IV: Call for Articles
Call for articles for the fourth edition of ReFrame in 2021. The theme is 'Unpacking Structural Determinants of Mental Health'.
Neglected and Forgotten: Women with Disabilities during the COVID Crisis in India
Rising Flame and Sightsavers' report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women with disabilities in India. The report explores impacts relate...
ReFrame III: Mental Health beyond Clinical Contexts
MHI's 3rd Edition of ReFrame: 'Mental Health beyond Clinical Contexts'
Psychosocial Well-Being of Displaced Migrant Workers living in Temporary Shelters: A Handbook
This handbook is intended to guide volunteers to better understand and service migrant labourers displaced on account of the nation-wide lockdown a...
Mental Health Matters
Mental Health Starter Kit.
Framing Queer Mental Health: from deviant subjects to knowledge producers
This article traces how mental health of queer persons has evolved within public health discourse and psy disciplines — from the pathologisation of...
ReFrame: Funding Mental Health
ReFrame aims to encourage multiple, diverse views on mental health & centre critical counter-narratives to any dominant norm related to mental health.
Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Of Psychiatric Drugs
A guide intended to educate people about their options if they decide to explore going off psychiatric medication after long term use.