

Development and Justice Initiative

This coming together was initiated by Ravi Hemadri and it started a process of the organisation focusing on areas where civil society response was either absent or inadequate. Their focus areas right from the beginning have been on strengthening access to rights and justice for Adivasis and Indigenous People, refugees, displaced people, and migrant workers. DAJI is registered in New Delhi as a public charitable Trust and works on issues of justice, human rights, and dignity for marginalised communities. It has a board of Trustees with members coming from many years of engagement on issues of rights, justice, and development. It has robust processes to ensure accountability, transparency and safeguarding of the communities we work with. It works in collaboration with partner organisations, UN agencies, rights networks, justice campaigns and academic institutions. DAJI has continued working with marginalised communities in western Assam through village level volunteers to support individuals and their families with legal aid. DAJI brought together a group of lawyers, researchers, and campaigners to advocate for the right to nationality as a human right and formed the Right to Nationality and Citizenship Network (RNCN) in 2020. The organisation works with the State Legal Services Authority to support those needing legal assistance in Assam, Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, and Haryana.

Project with MHI

MHI is supporting DAJI’s work of planning suitable psycho-social interventions for vulnerable individuals in detention centres and released detainees as their need for mental health support, effective legal aid, and income generation need an integrated approach to rehabilitation. They support individuals and their families to protect their dignified living through legal empowerment in preventing loss of citizenship and increasing their access to social protection services. They specifically address the problems faced by individuals and families facing challenges to their citizenship in Foreigner Tribunals (FT), declared foreigners in detention, and those released on bail with stringent bail conditions.

To know more, head to their website here.