

Sahjani Shiksha Kendra

Nirantar and SSK began grassroot-level interventions in 2002, after research and discussions with other organizations working in Uttar Pradesh, identifying Lalitpur district as their geographical area of focus. While there was a lot of emphasis on children’s education, especially for girls, research found that education remained out of reach for most children, because of inaccessibility and discrimination along caste, class, geographical and gender lines. Community-based, contextual interventions were developed for adult literacy programs for women as well as education camps for young girls. Access to educational services in these communities were envisioned to challenge existing norms and boost overall community development, as well as to facilitate greater access, and a demand for, public services.

Project with MHI

SSK is implementing a project with MHI to provide psychosocial support and mental health awareness in the communities they work in for a one-year period. The project will incorporate mental health services through counselling services for individuals and groups, leveraging existing support groups for survivors of GBV, building awareness on mental health through street plays and community events, and advocacy with local administration to provide support to women who experience violence. This project will work at three levels: (1) Individual; (2) Group and (3) Community-village level, to provide psychosocial support, legal aid and training for women facing gender and caste-based violence; hold group meetings with adolescent girls’ and women’s collectives for perspective building and working with men, boys and local governments to build awareness on gender.

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